
Flickr Favorites

I love the colorful decor of the house, how much life can make the colors .... especially the children's rooms, you can use all the decorations possible ... How many colors does your home?

share your favorite flickr images, and put the link in the Artmind's blog!



ira said...

This is very cute Evelyn!

Icha Photography said...

So lovely mosaic, Eve! I don't know how many colours in our house. But a lot of :))

Ooty said...

sweet mosaic! I have lots of colors in my house and around every 6 months or so I do tend to make decor changes =D I can't get enough of it =)

Mariana said...

Lots of colors all the time... and I change wall colors quite often too...! It keeps the house exciting! LOL

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

I love colors too but I prefer to keep my walls kind of boring so that I can add colorful things to it. :)

LeelaBijou said...

so pretty!

Clair said...

I love the colour of raspberries :)