
Flickr Favorites: Life

1. Sign of Life II, 2. How to save a life
3. Kids Life... Smiles, tears and fun...
4. Life – it is your journey

What touches your senses? This is the theme that brought Artmind this week, watch her blog to see how others have expressed this theme.
I'm moved by the little things of everyday, nature, a life that is born, the children smiling, photographs, an engaged couple who loves and caresses,people and things I encounter when traveling, and everything beautiful in life ...
perhaps I was moved even now :)


Anonymous said...

such a beautiful photos and the subject, life is moving and inspiring thanks for your thoughts

vadjutka said...

how cool mosaic, I love it!

Rely said...

Goregous mosaic! love the first picture you chose!:)

Mairi said...

Great mosaic and theme :)

Anca Pandrea said...

I was moved by your mosaic!


life can be so difficult but there is so much beauty in it and so many wonderful things. even the pain of life can be beautiful. moving mosaic:)

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

There is nothing better then enjoying the little things in life to the fullest! Wonderful composition.