
Guest this week: FionaDesigns

I want to apologize for the delay, but this has been a busy week! Back to us, I'm happy to have with us here in my blog, a new guest, who is currently also one of my sponsors: FionaDesigns
She makes lovely greetings cards of various colors, perfect for these holidays coming...
1- Tell us something about yourself
As you have probably guessed my name is Fiona. I currently reside in Connecticut, USA with my husband and two dogs. I have always enjoyed art and chose to study Graphic Design and earned an MFA at Parsons in New York City. It was instilled in me at a very young age to write thank you notes and I try to keep up that tradition still today. The love I have of design coupled with that of letter writing led me to design greeting cards.

2- When did you start to create your  delightful greeting cards?
I started designing greetings cards about eight years ago. I was spurred on by the fact that I never found exactly what I was looking for when card shopping. I wanted to create cards that were unique, elegant, simple and reflected my sense of design.

3- Tell us some secret or the creative process:
I tend to write ideas for sayings and layouts on scraps of paper. Then I head to the computer where I experiment with different typefaces and color until I am satisfied with the way the card looks. I do multiple rounds of designs for each card and then choose the one I think fits best. I am constantly coming up with new ideas for both what the card should say and how it should look visually.

4 .What advice would you give to a new seller?

The best advice that I have received regarding etsy is list new items daily, tweak your tags and make sure you have fantastic photos. I personally think that creating treasuries is another way to get yourself out there and it's also a great way to meet others on etsy. Creating treasuries is something I actually love doing!

5. What are your favorite shops or blogs?
I have so many based on a lot of different interests so it's hard to list them all here. I enjoy following blogs that focus on fashion, etsy finds and photography. I like to visit Artessen regularly as it is a network of blogs focused on design.

6- anything else you want to share with us
Follow your heart and make sure that you love what you do and keep creating!

Thank you, Fiona for being here with us!