
Guest this week: Zsazsazsu1963 + Giveaway

A new Etsy seller is with us today: Zsazsazsu1963 from Belgium, Europe. She makes unique jewelry with all types of material that she finds during her travels... and she was kind enough to giveaway to my readers a handmade necklace valued at $55, "Les doux et durs Mediterranean sea necklace".
you can participate in the giveaway, right after this interview:
Tell us something about yourself 
Hi I am Sandra, 47 and in real life a travelagent.  I got the beadingbug about 5 years ago.  I saw somebody with a very nice (green which is my favorite color) necklace and asked her where she bought it.  She made it herself … I wanted to learn that too, so I started looking for a workshop where I could learn this (crocheting with beads).   The lady in the shop told me she didn’t give workshops anymore but she would explain it to me and I could start.  I thought I would never understand it as it looked much more complicated then it was.  But I started and never ever stopped again with beading.

When did you start to create your original jewelry? How would you describe your style?
To me it’s a challenge to learn techniques, surch for materials and combine all of these in my collection.  I can’t really describe my style as I like too many things, I often take a 360 ° switch to something totally  different.  Now with Les Doux & Durs I think I found my unique style.  A combination of crocheting which is one of the things I like the best with a mix of beads from all around the world.  As for my job I have to travel a lot, it’s nice to be able to bring home beads from every destination.  I like to work with materials that can be recycled such as bike inner tubes (my Tube cuties), beach and riverstones (Stone beauties) which both I reuse in a ring collection.

Tell us some secret or the creative process ...
I have a little notebook in my purse where I can write down my ideas. But most of the time I get the best ideas when I am beading.  Working on one item surrounded by my materials, my eye falls on something and the new idea pops up.  It’s like hopping from one thing to another. 

What advice would you give to a new seller?
Don’t get disappointed when you don’t sell.  It’s difficult to be notified between all the others that sell  jewelry on etsy.  List and relist daily, make good pictures and discriptions.  Network all the time.
But this all takes a lot of effort and time.  So make up your mind first if you want this to be a hobby or a business.   If it’s a hobby you will be happy with every sale you make, even if it is only one a month !

What are your favorite shops or blogs?
Well most of the people that have a blog have a shop and vice versa.  I admire one of my teachers, she is the crochetqueen to me : www.nevousinstallezpas.be/blog  incredible what she makes with only one stitch.  I like my daily read at www.artmind-etcetera.blogspot.com , Mitsy has a wonderful blog and I love her ceramic work. I learned to know Juanita from www.juanitatortilla.blogspot.com and I love her sense of humour.

anything else you want to share with us
Wel I give workshops too, but I give them at peoples homes. This is a very nice formula to pass on Knowledge and have fun. It’s like a homebeadingparty. It’s much nicer then a Tupperware evening  ! I like to pass on the beadingbug !

Giveaway Time:
Win "Les doux et durs Mediterranean sea Necklace"
to participate in this Giveaway, simply make One or All of the following rules:
(each dot is a chance to win, every one must be made in a separate comment - leave a link where I can contact you

  • Become my Follower: Facebook - Blog - Twitter (leave a comment letting me know which site you follow)
  • Spread the Word: Twitter, facebook or Blog about this giveaway and leave a link
  • Love zsazsazsu1963's Etsy shop: put it in your favorites (leave the link in the comments of your etsy account)

(to be considered as a possible winner must have made at least one of these rules)
The giveaway is open worldwide!

ends Monday, October 24, so check back to see if you are the winner!

Good luck!


kiddomerriweather said...

I follow you on FB, your blog, and Twitter!

kiddomsg at gmail dot com

kiddomerriweather said...

I tweeted.


kiddomsg at gmail dot com

kiddomerriweather said...

I heart zsazsazsu's Etsy shop.


kiddomsg at gmail dot com

kiddomerriweather said...

I follow zsazsazsu's blog.

kiddomsg at gmail dot com

I bijoux dello Stregatto said...

I follow Sumikoshop everywhere!

I bijoux dello Stregatto said...

I love zsazsazsu1963's Etsy shop!


I bijoux dello Stregatto said...

I follow zsazsazsu1963's blog!


I bijoux dello Stregatto said...

Just twitted!

Mairi said...

I gave some love to her shop (very nice!)


Mairi said...

I already follow Sumikoshop on facebook


Mairi said...

I already follow Sumikoshop on facebook and on the blog


etherealflowers said...

loved her shop! [etherealflowers]

etherealflowers said...

followed her blog [as etherealflowers]

etherealflowers said...

twitted about it! http://twitter.com/#!/etherealflowers/status/27357252835

Fellow Rover said...

I follow your blog via gfc as khrista porcadilla.
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

Fellow Rover said...

I hearted the Etsy shop as bellekhris.
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

Fellow Rover said...

I follow Zsazsasu1963's blog via gfc as khrista porcadilla.
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

Kosmika said...

Hi! Nice giveaway! I'm already your follower, here, on FB and twitter, as Kosmika74 :)

kosmi at libero dot it

Kosmika said...

...and I've just herted her lovely Etsy shop :)

kosmi at libero dot it

Kosmika said...

one last thing: I've just twittered abot this giveaway! :)

kosmi at libero dot it

va said...

I follow you through your blog and fb under ana amanti.

tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

va said...

hearted her shop under squirrel33 .

tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

va said...

I follow her blog with gfc .

tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

JuanitaTortilla said...

Sandra is really talented. I have been a follower of her blog for a while now :)

Giveaway chance #1

Thank you.

JuanitaTortilla said...

This gorgeous necklace is really one of the MANY favourites I have in Zsazsazsu1963's shop! And yes, she has always been in my Etsy favourites!

Giveaway chance #2

Thank you.

JuanitaTortilla said...

I am now your blog Follower 348!
And also just liked your Facebook.

Can't believe I just found out about your lovely blog!

Giveaway chance #3.

Thank you,

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

Hey Sandra, what a lovely feature! I'm chuffed to be one of your favorite daily reads - thank you!
Your work is lovely and so is your blog (which I follow but it's been a while since I dropped by) Happy weekend to both of you! :)

Trudis said...

I do not have an Etsy-shop, but I put you on my Facebook and Twitter because I know you are great Sandra!
Have lots of succes with your lovely shop!
Groetjes van Trudis

StaroftheEast said...

I've been an admirer of zsazsazsu's Etsy shop for a long time, love her jewelry!
My hearts are secret so I just hope you trust me :)

StaroftheEast said...

And I'm now a follower of her blog :)

RitaJC said...

I heart Sandras shop


RitaJC said...

I'm a follower of your blog

RitaJC said...

I'm following you on Twitter


RitaJC said...

I'm a follower of Sandra's blog

RitaJC said...

I following you on FB

RitaJC said...

Spread the word on Twitter and FB

Now I hope I win!

Please, let me know it: ritajc[at]inbox[dot]com

ROROISM said...

I am following Z's blog!

roroism2 (at) yahoo(dot)com

ROROISM said...

I am following now Your blog:-)

roroism2 (at) yahoo(dot)com

ROROISM said...

Twitted about the giveaway:-)


ROROISM said...

Z. is already in my etsy favs on page 9


roroism2 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

I'm already a sumikoshop follower at the blog, twitter and facebook!


Unknown said...

And I shared in facebook:


Unknown said...

zsazsazsu shop is already one of my etsy favorites!

Heres my etsy account:


Anonymous said...

Eén van mijn collectie halskettingen is er eentje gemaakt door Sandra.
Ik kwam haar website heel toevallig tegen en er gaat nu geen dag meer voorbij of ik heb haar blog bekeken.
Wat ben je toch creatief Sandra.
Eerlijk gezegd ben ik een beetje jaloers hoor ;).
Deze ring is ook weer een "specialleke".
Wie weet begin ik nog een collectie ringen als ik deze win.
Grtjs, Margot.

Unknown said...

And I already follow zsazsazsu blog!


Lucie Tales said...

I follow Sandra's blog and it's one of my favorite http://lucietales.blogspot.com and I follow her Etsy shop :D

zsazsazsu said...

Today I grew about 20 inches reading all these comments !
Waw thanks a lot !
And I wish you all a very happy and great weekend !

Rely said...

Ti seguo su FB e Twitter :)

Rely said...

my tweet:

Rely said...

I hearted zsazsazsu's Etsy shop.


liberal sprinkles said...

Hi I follow your blog.

Simona Puikytė said...

I heart Sandra's Etsy shop, it was nice to discover, I really love her jewelry!


simona.puikyte at gmail.com

Viktoria said...

What a wonderful interview! I follow Sandra´s blog already a long time, and a long time ago I hearted her shop!
I am following this blog too!

xlacrimax said...

I follow you via GFC.
xlacrimax at gmail dot com

Marianne Pauhlson said...

zsazsazsu is my favorite seller on Etsy!

She is very talent and I'm totally in love with her rubber rings. She is also very nice and gives a terrific service. :)

Francine said...

I added her shop to my favourites on etsy. My user name is callaloosoupdesigns

Francine said...

I'm following you on Facebook!

Francine said...

Tweeted the giveaway http://twitter.com/#!/FrancineClouden

shar said...

followed you on facebook as anne gan! :)

Julia said...

Following on FB! :)

vgn.artist at gmail dot com

Julia said...

Nice shop! This is my favorite item:


Silvergirl said...

Hello there,

new follower of your blog :)

silverlilacc at hotmail dot com

Silvergirl said...

"like" your FB: username: Ana diaz

silverlilacc at hotmail dot com

Silvergirl said...

follow and tweeted:


silverlilacc at hotmail dot com

Silvergirl said...

Follow Zsazsasu1963's blog :)

silverlilacc at hotmail dot com

Silvergirl said...

the shop has many gorgeous stuff and i love them all..
But i love this too:
Les doux et durs grey lentil

silverlilacc at hotmail dot com

fisiwoman said...

Nice giveaway! enter me please!

Ana Belén R.M

fisiwoman said...

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/fisiwoman/status/27527895427

Ana Belén R.M

fisiwoman said...

Following her blog via GFC.

Ana Belén R.M

Deep Indigo said...

I'm a follower!
Love your shop!!!!!!!!!



pippirose said...

I'm a new follower of yours, via GFC.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Atelier Pompadour said...

hearted Sandra shop!
I follow Sandra's blog.
twitted here

panpaola at yahooo dot it

pippirose said...

I hearted Zsazsazsu1963's Etsy.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

pippirose said...

I follow Zsazsazsu1963's blog.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com

Monika Lintang Retnani said...

Follow on Facebook as Monika Lintang Retnani.
Follow on Blog as Monik.
Follow on Twitter as @monikaretnani.


Monika Lintang Retnani said...

Tweet about this giveaway here.


Monika Lintang Retnani said...

Follow Zsazsazsu1963's Blog via GFC as Monik.


jc said...

What a trendy and pretty necklace, love it! I follow via gfc, thanks for the lovely giveaway.


janetfaye said...

I like Sumiko Shop on FB - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

mamipdx said...

i gfc follow you
divertida at fastmail dot fm

mamipdx said...

i hearted her shop (maestramami)
love the stones and organic shapes.
divertida at fastmail dot fm

mamipdx said...

i follow her blog
divertida at fastmail dot fm

mamipdx said...

i tweeted:
divertida at fastmail dot fm

Nauli said...

great interview! We follow Sandras blog for quite a while now and hearted her shop long time ago...

Amber said...

I follow you on Twitter - I'm @AmberGoo

Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I tweeted:
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I heart Zsazsazsu1963's Etsy shop - my Etsy username is Hurdler4eva

Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow Zsazsazsu's blog with google friend connect!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Melody said...

I'm a blog follower.


Anonymous said...

I liked your facebook page under
Rose Anne Lacson

roseanne1187 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog via GFC
Anne L.

roseanne1187 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Also added shop to my favorites on etsy.com
my etsy name is ennaesorL
roseanne1187 at hotmail dot com

Andre said...

Hi Evelyn, I follow you on Facebook and Blog.

Andreina, aka MorningBlossom


Andre said...

Shared on Facebook,

Andreina, aka MorningBlossom



Andre said...

I have added Zsazsazsu163 to my favorites on Etsy


Andreina, aka MorningBlossom


Andre said...

Became a follower of Zsazsazsu1963's Blog.



carmen said...

Follow your blog!

Crystal said...

I hearted zsazsazsu's Etsy shop.mandrake witch

cyclona66(At) Aol dot com

khaski said...

Hearted on etsy as stone hippo boutique. khaski78 at hotmail dot com

Andreia said...

I'm followiong you on twitter http://twitter.com/#!/tricotaria

Andreia said...

I've shared this giveaway on twitter Sumiko Shop: Guest this week: Zsazsazsu1963 + Giveaway http://bit.ly/cpOGiV via @AddToAny

Andreia said...

zsazsazsu1963 is now a favorite shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/tricotaria

Andreia said...

I'm now following Zsazsazsu1963's Blog

Mona said...

Already a follower publicly via GFC.

Mona said...

I put zsazsazsu1963 in my favorites.
username: smallwave

Mona said...

I follow Zsazsazsu1963's Blog.

Lee said...

I follow on your blog

Lee said...

I follow Love zsazsazsu1963's blog

Lee said...

i hearted Love zsazsazsu1963's etsy shop

Ingrid said...

I'm a follower via FB :) My username is wunderfraulein.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

Posted on FB: http://www.facebook.com/wunderfraulein/posts/118075751586876

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

Hearted the etsy shop! http://www.etsy.com/people/magnolica

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Ingrid said...

I'm a Zsazsazsu1963's Blog Follower.

so.kitsch at gmail dot com

Sandra said...

followed... :)

sandra underscore smurple
which is a hotmail address - see here http://i54.tinypic.com/30c96a8.jpg

Sandra said...

sorry I meant to say, followed zsazsazsu's blog... this post, also followed you on FB... :)

sandra underscore smurple
which is a hotmail address - see here http://i54.tinypic.com/30c96a8.jpg

Sandra said...

and favorited on etsy... :) it's not showing it on my favorites page but I swear I did :-/ http://www.etsy.com/people/sandra/favorites?type=shops

sandra underscore smurple
which is a hotmail address - see here http://i54.tinypic.com/30c96a8.jpg

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