
Summer Love

Hello there, it almost a week, which I do not write here .... I finally found a minute .... how are you? For those who do not know, I was featured on Heartsy with my etsy shop (a site where every day there are special promotions) and it was really a nice experience, but a lot of work, I still have to finish packing and shipping orders ... so I'm just here today to share with you these amazing etsy favorites, with strong neon colors:
  • Red Hot Diorama // Airplant Terrarium - tohold 

P.S:  If you missed the promotion at Heartsy, don't worry, for July (which is the month of my birthday) I have in mind, a lot of exciting small events, get ready!


Anonymous said...

the colors are amazing, just love the harmony...

Nauli said...

Sounds like your heartsy experience is really good one. Congratulations for this!