
Daily room inspiration!

VTwonen via Delight by Design

I think that this workspace is not only unique but fantastic! I love every single item in this corner, from the floral images in the wall, and ending with the lights ... very well maintained .... gives me a good feeling, almost relaxing.


contemori.com said...

magnifica! e mi è anche molto utile... sto giusto pensando a come allestire un nuovo angoletto creativo...!

Unknown said...

Lovely! I particularly like the contrast between the metal design chair and the old wooden desk, great composition!

Atelier Pompadour said...

floral images are great, but also table and chair and lamp!!

zsazsazsu said...

vey lovely but a little too small for all our creativity I think ;-)

vitasumarte said...

Veramente fantastico!

Lazyfish said...

Che carino!Magari avere un bel posto così dove craftare ^^

steinschmuckdesign said...

Indeed, that is really pretty!!!!

Mairi said...

It's a dreamy creative corner, I love it!