
Guest this week: Eleonora Esposito + Giveaway

I'm so excited to show you today a fantastic illustrator and fashion designer from Italy: Eleonora Esposito 
she makes beautiful clothes made by hand, and crochet swimwear, and she has kindly donated to my readers, one of her fashion illustration, "Portrait of a Lady in Turquoise - Art Print Fashion Illustration" 
that you can win after this lovely interview:

1- Tell us something about yourself
My name is Eleonora, I was born in Naples where I work and live ! I'm a fashion designer and illustrator, I love to create and to draw  since I was a teenager. I love what I do, it’s my life. I have choose to be a fashion designer, because was inside of me. To create is my way to be happy, that make me feel complete, it’s a work but is especially a big passion.

2- When did you start to create your original clothes? How would you describe your style?I studied fashion since I was 14 years old. Since then I have dedicated my life to the realization of my dream to find my way in the world of fashion. I'm not interested in the frivolous side of fashion, but I would like to be appreciated for my style and my creations.To create is a way to represent myself and my point of view about fashion, this is the reason I decided to create and made on my own a collection of unique and exclusive models. My concept of woman is feminine, sweet, romantic, and sensual. My creations are handled accurately by paying careful attention to detail, both in cuts and shapes. In particular, I try to create clothes that can make a woman feel comfortable, at ease with what she wears, and original all at the same time. Also my illustration reflect my concept of a woman. To made my models I use always high quality fabrics made in Italy.

3- Tell us some secret or the creative process ...
Many people ask me how can I create a dress , and I always said that the dress lives in my mind, I already see it ready to become real. One of the most beautiful thing to be creative is the moment when you got inspiration and you create in your mind and then you draw it, and you made it real. To see the complete work is an incredible moment.To be creative is a way to be, it's inside of you.

4 - Your photos are beautiful, you work with a photographer, or you make them yourself ?
Many of the photos on my shop are made by some photographers that are my friends, and some others are made by me. I love to collaborate with others creative like me, and for this reason I love to see my creations photographed by youngs and talented photographers
5. What are your favorite shops or blogs?
I'm a curious person I love to browse the net, searching for new blogs and shops. I have so many favourite sites! It's impossible to write a list! I use my Twitter account to be updated on my favourite sites. Almost every day I read Style.com ,The Sartorialist, Etsy Storque, and of course I follow many blogs dedicate to the independent designers like this wonderful blog.

6- anything else you want to share with us.
I love the Art Nouveau, Coco Chanel, the 70’s , icons like Audrey Hepburn and I love to make research in the vintage market .I adore the pink color, I use it often for my creations.  My motto is believe in your dreams and in yourself and be humble and always ready to learn.

Giveaway Time 
Win this beautiful Art Print Fashion Illustration

to participate in this Giveaway, simply make One or All of the following rules:
(each dot is a chance to win, every one must be made in a separate comment - leave a link where I can contact you

  • Become my Follower: Facebook - Blog - Twitter (leave a comment letting me know which site you follow)
  • Spread the Word: Twitter, facebook or Blog about this giveaway and leave a link
  • Love Eleonora Esposito's Etsy shop: put it in your favorites (leave the link in the comments of your etsy account)

(to be considered as a possible winner must have made at least one of these rules)
The giveaway is open worldwide!

ends Monday, October 31, so check back to see if you are the winner!

Good luck!
P.S: I remind you that you still have three days to attend to my last giveaway, and win the beautiful necklace by Zsazsazsu1963, click here!


Cloud Number Nine said...

I'm already your fan Sumiko :D On this blog, on facebook and also on twitter!

Cloud Number Nine said...

Shared on twitter:

Cloud Number Nine said...

I already love Eleonora's Shop, she make great art! (i'm CloudNumberNine on Etsy)

Cloud Number Nine said...

Now I'm following Eleonaora's Blog!

Jen from SewnNatural said...

so glad to discover her shop - thanks for this giveaway! i follow your blog

Jen from SewnNatural said...

And I follow her blog too - gives me a wonderful excuse to practice reading my Italian!

Jen from SewnNatural said...

And I hearted her (beautiful) Etsy shop!

Atelier Pompadour said...

beautiful etsy shop!!
I'm a follower of both!!

Mairi said...

Hi :) I already follow your blog and facebook.

Mairi said...

I hearted Eleonora's shop :)

Alejandra said...

I'm your fan on facebook :)
and lov lov your blog!!!
and I really like Eleonora's work!!!
so cute, pretty and sexy!!!!

Rely said...

I'm already your follower :) blog, facebook twitter!

Rely said...

il mio tweet :)

Rely said...

eleonora's shop is already one of my favourite (relydesign)

Anonymous said...

I'm already your fan Sumiko,on this blog, on facebook and also on twitter!

I'm Ireneagh on Etsy| :D

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I heart Eleonora's shop on Etsy! :D
Beautiful works!

I'm Ireneagh on ETSY!

Amber said...

I follow your blog with google friend connect
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I hear Eleonora on Etsy - my Etsy name is Hurdler4eva
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow Eleonora on Twitter - I'm @AmberGoo
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow you on Twitter and tweeted too: http://twitter.com/AmberGoo/status/28886553131
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Janice said...

I follow your facebook


Janice said...

I follow you via twitter-jbabbagirl


Janice said...

I follow your blog


Janice said...

I hearted Eleonora Esposito's Etsy shop-username jbabbagirl


Janice said...

I liked Eleonora Esposito's on facebook


Janice said...

I follow Eleonora Esposito's on twitter


Fellow Rover said...

Blog follower via gfc as khrista porcadilla.
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

Fellow Rover said...

Hearted Eleonora's Etsy shop as bellekhris.
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

Fellow Rover said...

Blog follower of Eleonora via gfc as khrista porcadilla.
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com

Monika Lintang Retnani said...

Follow you on Facebook as Monika Lintang Retnani.
Follow your blog via GFC as Monik.
Follow you on twitter as @monikaretnani.


Monika Lintang Retnani said...

Tweet about this giveaway here.


Monika Lintang Retnani said...

Follow Eleonora Esposito's blog via GFC as Monik.
"Like" Eleonora Esposito on Facebook as Monika Lintang Retnani.
Follow Eleonora Esposito on twitter as @monikaretnani.


Kendall said...

I follow you via GFC :)


Kendall said...

i added her shop to my favorites on etsy.
my etsy name is kendallcrow


Anonymous said...

I am a fan of both pages on facebook (unfortunately the follow button on this blog keeps coming up with an error).

I have also hearted her shop on Etsy:


Thank you!


Unknown said...

Following your blog!


Unknown said...

Like you on Facebook!

(oksana vladimirovna)


Unknown said...

I hearted Eleonora Esposito's Etsy shop!



Unknown said...

Following Eleonora Esposito's Blog via Facebook!

(oksana vladimirovna)


Unknown said...

Like Eleonora Esposito's Facebook page!

(oksana vladimirovna)


liz said...

Become Eleonora Esposito's Follower in FB name doki doki co

Contact me here :)

thankies for helding this sweet giveaway and have a perfect day :)

liz said...

Become Eleonora Esposito's Follower in twitter name doki doki co

Contact me here :)

thankies for helding this sweet giveaway and have a perfect day :)

windycindy said...

Hi! I follow you on Facebook, follow your blog and follow you on Twitter!
Many thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

"Tweet" ~ http://twitter.com/cmh512/status/29111467674.
"Facebook" ~ http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/cindi512/posts/108342242564903.
Many thanks to you!

windycindy said...

I Hearted Eleonora Esposito's
Etsy Shop...

Thanks, Cindi

windycindy said...

Also, I follow Eleonora Esposito on her Blog, Facebook and Twitter...
Many thanks, Cindi

Ľubaša said...

I follow your Facebook (Lubka Kotmanikova)
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I follow you on Twitter (Lubaska)
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I spread the word on Twitter
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I shared this on my facebook
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Ľubaša said...

I Love Eleonora Esposito's Etsy shop: (ID Lubaska)
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

follow you on twitter @knitwitshair

Unknown said...

follow eleanora on twitter @knitwitshair

Anonymous said...

Thank's for doing this giveaway! :)
I'm a follower on FB, your blog and twitter :) name: Alvin Darmawan, alvind95


Anonymous said...

I tweeted about the giveaway! http://twitter.com/#!/alvind95/status/29258085281


Anonymous said...

Hearted Eleonora's shop! name: alvind95, http://www.etsy.com/people/alvind95?ref=pr_profile


Anonymous said...

I'm a follower of Eleonora on FB, blog and twitter :)


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